Thursday 1 March 2012


Savanah and I in my mum's room (Me with no shred of make up on)

 So being a mum and a student makes life seriously hectic. I have never been one to stick to a routine. I have tried on many occasions but end up giving up after a couple of days. However, now that I am a mum I believe I will have to have routines.

At the same time I have never been a girl who knows all about make up and I have never had a face cleansing routine. So my goal now is to get a routine and stick to it as well as improving my make up knowledge. I have started a routine a week ago and have been managing to stick to it which makes me feel really good =)

I want to improve me and improve my life not just for me but for my daughter plus I need to find me a man that makes me happy rather than the ones that end up hurting me like in the past.
Anyway I am rambling now so I am going to, have school work to do.

Goodnight beautiful people xxx

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